Tuesday, December 23, 2008

PILF (all in jest...really)

My oh my...It's a siberian -17 F outside (-24 C) and I'm here browsing online, looking at my favorite gossip website (*shoutout to http://theybf.com/ *) and what do I spy with my little eye???! A picture of a shirtless President Elect Obama *drool*. I must admit, Obama has something extremely charming about him...He's not the handsomest dude, but his swag is ridiculous! And I mean that in a swaggalicious type of way! He's IT! If he was in the "game" he'd be the hottest dude in the game...I've been following Obama-related news since he appeared on Oprah with his wife Michelle like 2 years ago...I was instantly drawn to him, his poise, his eloquence, his mannerisms, his entire aura was just interesting to me. I was intrigued at first...Now I can say that I'm somewhat addicted to this great man... Yes I love me some :
President Elect Barack Obama
To me, he is not just "the American dream"....Hell I wouldn't know about it anyway cause I'm Canadian...lol. Obama is more like a worldwide dream...I think people all over the world can identify to him and genuinely admire him, his determination and his upcoming work in the White House. I remember seeing the self-proclaimed Obama Girl aka Obama's biggest fan in the whole wide world, and thinking to myself "man this chick is crazy!!!" Now I still think she is kinda crazy, but at the same time, I think I kinda, sorta understand her....A lot. I sympathize with her.

I just think that Obama gives a lot of people hope. He's a person who followed his dream, despite all of the obstacles he encountered. Often times, we give up on some of our dreams because we don't feel strong enough to overcome obstacles that come along the way. Sometimes we feel inadequate or incompetent and end up miserable because we did not follow our dreams. Obama inspires me to strive for a better position in my life. I've witnessed him holding on to his dream and achieving what he aspired to. He's an example to follow in my opinion. He's a well-grounded individual, he is a family man, a husband and friend to his wife, a father to his daughters...and the official next president of the United States of America. I can only pray that he is as effective at carrying out the elements of his dreams as Mr. President, as he was in attaining his position as President Elect. Either way, I'll be watching and I'll continue to support and pray for him and his family... Man, if Obama decides to come to Montreal or even a nearby province, I can guarantee that I will be there. It will be a wrap. I'll call-in sick in advance if I need to. LOL! I need to see this man live at least once in my lifetime...Thanks to him, I have witnessed history, but I hear that there is nothing like seeing this man in person. The way he can captivate an audience with his presence is indescribable. He's so impressive...And I'm already impressed!

...As I procrastinate about taking my chunky self to the gym, I think of Obama making time to jog, or hit a basketball court or gymnasium while running the most important campaign of his life...So umm, what's my excuse? I really have none...I just lack the determination to go to the gym more often. I think I will print out pictures of Obama at the gym and add a caption to it...Something like "IF YOU DON'T GO TO THE GYM, U WILL REMAIN CHUNKY" maybe that will motivate me...Or maybe I will just look at him and drool some more...Hoping that Mrs. Obama is not lurking in the background somewhere, just waiting to throw a chair or other miscellaneous items at me....Or hold me in a mean chokehold and make me cry...Omg. The horror. *blank stare* Nah....she wouldn't do that...Would she?

Omg I heart Mr. Obama...


1 comment:

  1. Michelle Obama is a from the South Side of Chicago...she'll cut you over her man...I'd bet on it.
