Friday, December 19, 2008


So this is my *brand new* blog...I will try to do better with this one than I did with umm, my Yahoo 360 page and even my Myspace blog...Although I started off real good on Yahoo 360...I was ADDICTED to that blog, then I neglected it so much that it became a distant memory...RIP Yahoo were my most preferred outlet for a long while... :'(
This time around I wanna do things differently...I decided to title my blog "AhhDeeKted To..." For each of my blog entries to come, I will try my best to talk about something (or someone) that I'm currently loving/needing/cherishing/stalking <----not in a Eminem/Stan type of way, that requires too much of my precious energy... I also want to allow this to be as much as a positive outlet as can be....although I'm not sure how realistic that is, since I'm as moody as they come sometimes...
So...Right now as I am typing this....I am AhhDeeKted to ( or trying to be) ..... :
(not the bulimic, self-inducted vomitting and sh*tting type of purging...Just thinking about that makes my stomach itch! )
v. purged, purg·ing, purg·es
a. To free from impurities; purify.
b. To remove (impurities and other elements) by or as if by cleansing.
2. To rid of sin, guilt, or defilement.
3. Law To clear (a person) of a charge or an imputation. Often used with respect to contempt of court.
a. To rid (a nation or political party, for example) of people considered undesirable.
b. To get rid of (people considered undesirable). See Synonyms at eliminate.
My current preferred way of purging involves getting rid of a whole bunch of undesirables...Not only ppl (that's rather easy), but also attitudes (my own), and habits (my own). The last two are hardest to do...I've been really trying to adopt a more positive outlook on various things surrounding my lovely life... See, typing this has made me realize that I even forgot how lovely my life really is...not by comparison to bad situations, just in general....
But yeah, it's not easy... Which is ironic because the attitudes and habits I'm holding on to are somewhat toxic to my life and interpersonal relationships...Well maybe toxic is too harsh of a word, but I know that these habits and attitudes are detrimental to certain aspects of my life...I'm all for self-realization and self-growth...I pretty much excel in various spheres of my life, biggest example is my career...I've always been on the move within my field and it just keeps getting better for me. I get offers and promotions that are totally out of the blue and it's a great feeling to know that most managers see me as a great addition to their team. My role at work however, does not define me as a woman...well not completely. Once I leave work, I am just me. My problem is that sometimes I tend to be inedaquate >in my own opinion< with the people who matter the MOST (meaning not my co-workers or anyone work-related). I want to be nicer to them, love them more, appreciate them more, give them back AT LEAST as much as they give me, but sometimes, my attitude really sucks...I'm stubborn. I'm spoiled. I'm perfectly imperfect at times.
So I need to purge. I need to rid myself of the negative things that may hinder the progress or the maintenance of beautiful life experiences. I'm all for a healthy balance in all aspect of my life, but for now, I feel like the negative outweighs the positive where it really shouldn't. I guess I'm having a hard time because purging in itself is never a pleasant experience, but I'm purging for a good cause. I'm happy to be making a conscious effort towards purging. I've successfully purged pseudo-friends out of my life...and the end result was quasi orgasmic! What a great feeling!!! My life became better almost instantly.
So I will share my personal Guide to Successful Purging :
- accept my faults
- offer positive reinforcement instead of pointing out the obvious negative
- adopt a more sympathetic attitude
- do unto others.... (I can't remember the whole quote LOL! but yeah, that whole ethic of reciprocity principle...)
- agree to disagree
- be more caring and less careless
- keep an open-mind
I know these sound more like a "How to be a better Person" Guide....but in order to achieve successful purging, I have to successfully work on myself...
Ummm, I'm Dee...and I approve this message :o)
P.S : TY *co-star* for approving my blog title idea.... xoxo


  1. Purging is a beautiful thing. It's something that we all should do, you've inspired me to purge and pick up my blogging pen again...2009 is almost upon's time to take the lessons of 2008 and apply them towards your future and get rid of everything else. Beautiful post.
