Tuesday, December 23, 2008

PILF (all in jest...really)

My oh my...It's a siberian -17 F outside (-24 C) and I'm here browsing online, looking at my favorite gossip website (*shoutout to http://theybf.com/ *) and what do I spy with my little eye???! A picture of a shirtless President Elect Obama *drool*. I must admit, Obama has something extremely charming about him...He's not the handsomest dude, but his swag is ridiculous! And I mean that in a swaggalicious type of way! He's IT! If he was in the "game" he'd be the hottest dude in the game...I've been following Obama-related news since he appeared on Oprah with his wife Michelle like 2 years ago...I was instantly drawn to him, his poise, his eloquence, his mannerisms, his entire aura was just interesting to me. I was intrigued at first...Now I can say that I'm somewhat addicted to this great man... Yes I love me some :
President Elect Barack Obama
To me, he is not just "the American dream"....Hell I wouldn't know about it anyway cause I'm Canadian...lol. Obama is more like a worldwide dream...I think people all over the world can identify to him and genuinely admire him, his determination and his upcoming work in the White House. I remember seeing the self-proclaimed Obama Girl aka Obama's biggest fan in the whole wide world, and thinking to myself "man this chick is crazy!!!" Now I still think she is kinda crazy, but at the same time, I think I kinda, sorta understand her....A lot. I sympathize with her.

I just think that Obama gives a lot of people hope. He's a person who followed his dream, despite all of the obstacles he encountered. Often times, we give up on some of our dreams because we don't feel strong enough to overcome obstacles that come along the way. Sometimes we feel inadequate or incompetent and end up miserable because we did not follow our dreams. Obama inspires me to strive for a better position in my life. I've witnessed him holding on to his dream and achieving what he aspired to. He's an example to follow in my opinion. He's a well-grounded individual, he is a family man, a husband and friend to his wife, a father to his daughters...and the official next president of the United States of America. I can only pray that he is as effective at carrying out the elements of his dreams as Mr. President, as he was in attaining his position as President Elect. Either way, I'll be watching and I'll continue to support and pray for him and his family... Man, if Obama decides to come to Montreal or even a nearby province, I can guarantee that I will be there. It will be a wrap. I'll call-in sick in advance if I need to. LOL! I need to see this man live at least once in my lifetime...Thanks to him, I have witnessed history, but I hear that there is nothing like seeing this man in person. The way he can captivate an audience with his presence is indescribable. He's so impressive...And I'm already impressed!

...As I procrastinate about taking my chunky self to the gym, I think of Obama making time to jog, or hit a basketball court or gymnasium while running the most important campaign of his life...So umm, what's my excuse? I really have none...I just lack the determination to go to the gym more often. I think I will print out pictures of Obama at the gym and add a caption to it...Something like "IF YOU DON'T GO TO THE GYM, U WILL REMAIN CHUNKY" maybe that will motivate me...Or maybe I will just look at him and drool some more...Hoping that Mrs. Obama is not lurking in the background somewhere, just waiting to throw a chair or other miscellaneous items at me....Or hold me in a mean chokehold and make me cry...Omg. The horror. *blank stare* Nah....she wouldn't do that...Would she?

Omg I heart Mr. Obama...


Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm assuming that it is just like crack...

Omg, I've come to the realization that I have been in denial about my next addiction for the longest... Now, there is no denying it, I can't even try to supress the feelings that are attached to this next addiction I'm about to talk about... It's kind of shocking too, because I have never been one to give much importance to material stuff...Honestly, there are a lot of things I can live without...but this? Nope. I can't even front....I'd seriously be playing myself if I even attempted to *purge* myself out of this addiction... I can't hold it anymore, I have to shout it out and let it be known to the universe that I'm EXTREMELY, RIDICULOUSLY addicted to :
My Blackberry
It never ever leaves my sight. I *sometimes* bring it to the bathroom with me...I carry it on me at all times...I bring it in my bed (not the bedside table) , I even put my purse in the backseat, while it stays on the passenger seat...and if I completely lose my mind over it one day, I will ask my passenger friends and family (well minus the parents) to join my purse in the backseat too, and leave my Blackberry in the front seat. I've made it to work late on several occasions, just because I've accidently left it at home, so I had to go back to get it...One time I left it in the staff room @ work, and I started having palpitations at the thought of losing it... Even when that happened, I still wouldn't admit that I was addicted to it... Pure sadness :o(
One day, I was already running late for work (my lateness is another habit I'm trying to purge out) and I left it at work overnight....That night was one of the worst nights for me....I couldn't sleep on my break, I kept on checking all the emails attached to it, to make sure I was not missing anything. I kept on calling my voicemail to make sure I wasn't missing any calls... Finally around 4 AM, I checked my GMAIL account and saw that I had one email there that was sent around 3:-something AM...I began to see red...Only to realize it was an Amazon.com book suggestions email...Still I was pissed that I was Blackberry-less for one night...When we were finally reunited in the morning once I got home, I made sure that I did not miss ANYTHING, not a text, a phone call, a PIN-to-PIN message....everything was fine and I could finally sleep peacefully... 2 weeks ago, a Blackberry Operating System upgrade gone wrong has caused me to *kill* my Blackberry...every single piece of information, data, applications, media files, themes....everything was lost...All I had was a white screen and the word "reset" in the center of the white screen with "error 531 or 581 or 731" Anyways, long story short, this turned out to be a fatal error, and I was not able to recover any of the information that was lost in the process... I spent a total of 6 hours trying to figure out what could've went wrong...called my service provider (Rogers Wireless), tried many different solutions, none of them worked...That night, I was in such "emotional" distress that I signed up for a Twitter account...I actually even chatted with "offbrands" on my Yahoo messenger list...just in case one of them would happen to know how to help me bring my "Precious" back to health... (I know that was shallow, but hey, I was a damsel in uber distress) . Alas, none of them knew what to do, which is why they shall remain listed in the "offbrand" category. I slept for 4 hours that night, and went to the Rogers Wireless store with my dead Blackberry first thing in the morning to see if they could get it fixed...Unfortunately there was nothing they could do, the update I was trying to install was not compatible with Windows Vista, which is what I used...I ended up having to buy another Blackberry. I could not get a replacement because the problem was not caused by some type of defect. I was not too happy about having to spend that extra money, but I couldn't live another hour without it...It's my addiction...My Crackberry, My Precious. It's right up there, next to my love for shoes...
I wonder if there is some kinda Rehab program for Blackberry Addicts Anonymous? Im sure there must be something out there...I mean there are a bunch of websites for Blackberry Maniacs, and I have visited a few of them and people just keep on signing up to get the latest in Blackberry goodies, the latest news, latest applications, latest upgrades, etc...I am just amazed at how practical Blackberries are, and how essential mine is to my daily life. It is the best thing I have ever purchased. I wanted the iPhone for a hot minute, but that minute ended a while ago and I have never revisited the thought of buying an iPhone...I do require an iPod touch though....I think that will be my Xmas gift to myself this year.
Ok gotta check on my *baby*, she needs to be put on the charger over night...So she can perform to her full capacities tomorrow :o)

Friday, December 19, 2008


So this is my *brand new* blog...I will try to do better with this one than I did with umm, my Yahoo 360 page and even my Myspace blog...Although I started off real good on Yahoo 360...I was ADDICTED to that blog, then I neglected it so much that it became a distant memory...RIP Yahoo 360...you were my most preferred outlet for a long while... :'(
This time around I wanna do things differently...I decided to title my blog "AhhDeeKted To..." For each of my blog entries to come, I will try my best to talk about something (or someone) that I'm currently loving/needing/cherishing/stalking <----not in a Eminem/Stan type of way, that requires too much of my precious energy... I also want to allow this to be as much as a positive outlet as can be....although I'm not sure how realistic that is, since I'm as moody as they come sometimes...
So...Right now as I am typing this....I am AhhDeeKted to ( or trying to be) ..... :
(not the bulimic, self-inducted vomitting and sh*tting type of purging...Just thinking about that makes my stomach itch! )
v. purged, purg·ing, purg·es
a. To free from impurities; purify.
b. To remove (impurities and other elements) by or as if by cleansing.
2. To rid of sin, guilt, or defilement.
3. Law To clear (a person) of a charge or an imputation. Often used with respect to contempt of court.
a. To rid (a nation or political party, for example) of people considered undesirable.
b. To get rid of (people considered undesirable). See Synonyms at eliminate.
My current preferred way of purging involves getting rid of a whole bunch of undesirables...Not only ppl (that's rather easy), but also attitudes (my own), and habits (my own). The last two are hardest to do...I've been really trying to adopt a more positive outlook on various things surrounding my lovely life... See, typing this has made me realize that I even forgot how lovely my life really is...not by comparison to bad situations, just in general....
But yeah, it's not easy... Which is ironic because the attitudes and habits I'm holding on to are somewhat toxic to my life and interpersonal relationships...Well maybe toxic is too harsh of a word, but I know that these habits and attitudes are detrimental to certain aspects of my life...I'm all for self-realization and self-growth...I pretty much excel in various spheres of my life, biggest example is my career...I've always been on the move within my field and it just keeps getting better for me. I get offers and promotions that are totally out of the blue and it's a great feeling to know that most managers see me as a great addition to their team. My role at work however, does not define me as a woman...well not completely. Once I leave work, I am just me. My problem is that sometimes I tend to be inedaquate >in my own opinion< with the people who matter the MOST (meaning not my co-workers or anyone work-related). I want to be nicer to them, love them more, appreciate them more, give them back AT LEAST as much as they give me, but sometimes, my attitude really sucks...I'm stubborn. I'm spoiled. I'm perfectly imperfect at times.
So I need to purge. I need to rid myself of the negative things that may hinder the progress or the maintenance of beautiful life experiences. I'm all for a healthy balance in all aspect of my life, but for now, I feel like the negative outweighs the positive where it really shouldn't. I guess I'm having a hard time because purging in itself is never a pleasant experience, but I'm purging for a good cause. I'm happy to be making a conscious effort towards purging. I've successfully purged pseudo-friends out of my life...and the end result was quasi orgasmic! What a great feeling!!! My life became better almost instantly.
So I will share my personal Guide to Successful Purging :
- accept my faults
- offer positive reinforcement instead of pointing out the obvious negative
- adopt a more sympathetic attitude
- do unto others.... (I can't remember the whole quote LOL! but yeah, that whole ethic of reciprocity principle...)
- agree to disagree
- be more caring and less careless
- keep an open-mind
I know these sound more like a "How to be a better Person" Guide....but in order to achieve successful purging, I have to successfully work on myself...
Ummm, I'm Dee...and I approve this message :o)
P.S : TY *co-star* for approving my blog title idea.... xoxo